Antenatal Packages

for Antenatal

This is a health care plan that is purchased by for Antenatal Services

Advantages Of CaseMedInsurance Packages

  • Tailored packages that suites clients needs
  • Wide range of health care facilities all over the country.
  • Emergency rescue and Evacuation
  • Access to quality and affordable health care

Pregnancy Period

Within 3 Months
0 %
Within 6 Months
0 %
After 6 Months
0 %
SnServices RenderedQuality
1Documentation of details and history
2Blood Pressure & Weight Monitoring1
3Blood grouping8
4Full blood count1
6Syphilis test2
7Hepatitis B test1
8Urine analysis1
9Investigation upon medical advice8
10Review of All tests done1
11Folic Acid & iron supplements6
12Dose of Tetanus Vaccine3
13Ultra Sound Scan3
14Gynaecologist Visits8
15Abdominal examination includes listening to a baby’s heart7
16Random blood sugar1
17Deworming tablets2
18Anti Malaria dose (Fansidar)2
19Discuss plan of delivery with obstetrician1
20In case not into Labor by due date, the Obstetrician will discuss the plan for your delivery1


For non- routine drugs, lab test and imaging investigation Package price is Ugx360,000 (Three Hundred & Sixty Thousand Ugandan Shillings only)